With Packlink you can send parcels with different shapes, such as round, irregular, tubular, cylindrical. However, you need to pack your items carefully, following the instructions outlined in this article.
Remember that it will always be necessary to indicate both weight and dimensions of the shipment in order to obtain the quote. If you are packing an item whose shape is tubular or cylindrical (such as a poster, a map, a carpet, etc.), width and weight will correspond to the diameter of the parcel.
A correct packaging is essential to provide adequate protection to the item during the transport and distribution process. The packaging must protect the products from shocks, falls and vibrations, so it must act as a shock absorber, since parcels are handled by automatic machinery and must withstand a free fall of at least 80 cm.
If the carrier considers that the goods have been sent using incorrect packaging, these may be returned to the sender and additional charges may be also applied. Incorrect packaging of parcels of different shapes, may cause:
- Delays in times for loading and unloading parcels.
- Delays in terms of item's classification tasks, as these must be done manually.
- Loading capacity is not optimised.
- Issues with deliveries.
Packaging materials
Please use the following materials while packing your items:
- Tube or double corrugated cardboard boxes, based on both weight and dimensions of the item.
- Bubble wrap.
- Mouldable foam.
- Foam rubber.
- Polystyrene chips.
- Inflatable packaging (Airbags).
- Expanded polyethylene - corners and profiles.
- Packaging tape.
Packaging instructions
Parcels with irregular shapes:
- Pack items individually.
- Wrap them using mouldable foam, and make sure the items are well protected.
- Do not leave corners or protrusions/bulges of the items exposed.
- Place the items inside a double corrugated cardboard box, separated from each other, with a minimum of 5 cm from the borders and corners of the box to avoid possible damage from shocks or vibrations during transport.
- Protect borders and corners using expanded polyethylene.
- Make sure there are no gaps and that the contents cannot move after sealing the box. Use sufficient filler material and shock absorbers (formable foam, polyethylene foam, foam chips/shavings, inflatable packaging, etc.).
- Close and seal the cardboard box with good quality and resilient packing tape.
Parcels with cylindrical shapes:
- Wrap the item with sheets of plastic bubble wrap, creating a thickness of approximately 5cm. Make sure the items are well protected.
- Place the items inside a resistant tube box.
- Close and seal the tube box with good quality and resilient packing tape.
In the event of damage, our Claims Department will only consider claims where the items have been transported with sufficient protective material. Any item that is transported without respecting our Packaging Guide will be excluded and ineligible for any compensation otherwise awarded.