The address sheet is an optional identification document, where all the recipient data and your Packlink reference number can be simply acquired and to guarantee an effective delivery experience.
This document is provided to you once you have finalised the order, in case you selected a service displaying the message Printer not required.
It is not mandatory for you to print and apply this document to the label, but it is highly recommended.
If you are unable to print the address sheet, you can manually add this information to your Package (in capital letters)
- Write the recipient’s full details (Name, surname, company - if any),
- Full address (street, number, staircase, floor, door, etc.).
- Write your Packlink reference number (UN202...).
As a result, in the event of the label coming off your shipment during the handling process, an additional address sheet/handwritten identification of shipment details will enhance the successful delivery of your parcel.
While adding information using a pen, please do not state completely different information than the one you had provided to finalise your order.
Additionally, please note that if your goods are collected without any form of identification, the re-labeling of your parcel at a transport depot, although usually unproblematic, coud result in the incorrect labeling or delivery of your goods.