All transport companies offer different types of services. As a general rule, services are organised by priority for delivery and, depending on this, the price may change, along with the conditions.
Transit times displayed in search results are estimated, except for those services offering a Guaranteed delivery. For this reason, if you need your shipment to be delivered on a specific date, you must always purchase a service offering a Guaranteed delivery.
During the purchasing flow, in the search results, in addition to the transit time displayed on the top left corner, you can click Details, to check all the information about the service, depending on the destination. For more information about how to differentiate these deliveries, click on one of the following sections.
Guaranteed delivery
- The shipment is delivered on the day and within the time specified by the service.
- As a general rule, this service is more expensive.
- If delivery is not carried out within the guaranteed time and the delay is because of the carrier or Packlink, the customer is entitled to a full refund of the amount invoiced for transportation.
- If the delivery is not carried out due to issues caused by the customer, a refund will not be available. This may include, but is not limited to: recipient not at home, pick up rejection, insufficient packaging, missing label, missing/incomplete Customs invoice, prohibited or restricted items, administrative additional steps, the size or the weight is not accurate.
Estimated delivery
- The estimated services are delivered over a range of dates, as displayed in the search results.
- As a general rule, this service is cheaper.
- For the estimated delivery time, Packlink shows the average time of the service and the destination, obtaining this data from the transportation company’s efficiency reports and the quality analysis that Packlink carries out on a monthly basis.
- The delivery cannot be set on a specific day. This is because the transportation company provides these services with less priority than the guaranteed service.
- If the delivery is not carried out according to the estimated dates, Packlink cannot process refunds for non-guaranteed services.
For more information, please check the article How do you calculate the delivery date?.