General information
- Estimated transit time: from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays.
- Home collection.
- Home delivery*.
- Mandatory label.
- Transit time: estimated, does not include the 48 - 96 hour increment to/from islands, Calabria, or remote areas, etc.
- Storage: maximum 7 calendar days. Release of goods under request.
- Two delivery attempts at no additional cost.
- Maximum weight (kg): 70.
- Maximum measurements (cm): longest side less than 180. Maximum height + circumference, where circumference = (2 x width) + (2 x length) = 680.
- Possibility of requesting digital proof of delivery.
- Packlink PRO customer service: Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 20:00 and on Saturday from 09:00 to 18:00, excluding holidays.
* Unless for international services, delivery can be made to an agreed point or a neighbor's home.
Types of service
BRT Express Nazionale
- Individual or multi-bulk shipments to individuals or companies.
Requires a printer
: mandatory label.
- Transit time: estimated 24 working hours.
- Delivery times: throughout the day.
- Collection times: 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Included delivery attempts: 2.
- Maximum weight (kg): 49.
- Maximum dimensions (cm): longest side less than 180.
- Possibility of deposit the goods for the consignee (consult modalities).
- Extras: possibility of requesting scanned proof of delivery.
BRT DPD Internazionale
- Leader in Europe in one (1) single parcel deliveries to individuals or companies.
Requires a printer
: mandatory label.
- Transit time: between 4 and 6 estimated working days.
- Delivery times: throughout the day.
- Collection times: 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Included delivery attempts: 2.
- Maximum weight (kg): 31,5.
- Maximum measurements (cm): longest side less than 180. Maximum height + circumference, where circumference = (2 x width) + (2 x length) = 680.
- Extras: possibility of requesting scanned proof of delivery.
BRT Euroexpress Internazionale
- Leader in Europe in multi-bulk deliveries to individuals or companies.
Requires a printer
: mandatory label.
- Transit time: 6 estimated working days.
- Delivery times: throughout the day.
- Collection times: 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Included delivery attempts: 2.
- Maximum weight (kg): 70.
- Maximum measurements (cm): longest side less than 180. Maximum height + circumference, where circumference = (2 x width) + (2 x length) = 680.
- Extras: possibility of requesting scanned proof of delivery.
The label is mandatory. Paste a copy on the parcel so that it is clearly visible. Do not cover the barcode part with sellotape to ensure the label can be scanned correctly.
We recommend to print a copy of the label and put it inside the package so that your package can always be identified in case of incorrect delivery or routing error by the carrier.
- Goods should always be delivered with the shipping label attached to the parcel, having checked that the information on the label is correct.
- Request the carrier to sign a copy of the shipping label as proof of collection/drop off and keep it until the parcel has been delivered.
- The maximum number of characters on each carrier's shipping label is limited. In addition, the order of the data on the label is determined by the carrier's system, not by Packlink PRO. The data entered on the shipment is always read from the barcode on the label.
- The carriers' systems do not recognise emoticons, accents or non-standard characters, so it is important to use the appropriate transcriptions (e.g. ß > ss, ö > o, æ > ae, ň > n, à > a, etc.) and to avoid Cyrillic, Mandarin, Greek, etc. characters, both in the origin and destination address and in the content field. The data must be entered during the purchase process, using the corresponding transcriptions in Latin characters.
- If you have been purchased Extra Protection, you will not see the amount of cover on the shipping label. This is because it is a service outside the transport company, managed directly by Packlink PRO.
- Printing the label on a FermoPoint has an additional cost of approximately 30 cents, which must be paid at the moment (rates subject to change without notice).
- Shipping labels are for one (1) use only and must only be used for the purchased shipment, so they cannot be reused. Therefore, before printing and attaching the label to the parcel, make sure that the data is correct and matches the goods you are shipping. If the carrier receives a parcel with a reused label, the shipment will be retained at their facilities and could have incidents such as: return to origin, loss, additional charges, etc. In this case, neither Packlink nor BRT will accept your claim and your shipment will be excluded from any type of compensation.
Delivery and collection times
- The service does not include any telephone notification before collection or delivery. It is at the discretion of the driver.
- Collection times: are between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. depending on the place of residence. The system will offer you the available options.
- Delivery times: are between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
- Delivery: with a DPD authorization to deposit. If no one is home, it can be delivered to a neighbor, the deposit authorization will be in vigor.
- During the price inquiry, you’ll see the first available collection date, but this doesn’t mean that you can’t choose a later date.
- The collection service is available from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays. Remember that, although it may not be a holiday in your locality, if the branch in charge of the collection is not operating because of a holiday in the city / province, the collection will not be able to take place.
- Leave a note or post-it on the telephone or intercom/campanello if the addressee's surname is not visible, does not match, or if the bell does not work.
- If you have purchased a shipment with a collection service, remember that dropping off the goods at a BRT office or FermoPoint is not allowed. If you decide to do this, please note that in the event of an incident during transport (delay, blockage, return to origin, loss, etc.), neither Packlink nor BRT will accept your claim and your shipment will be excluded from any type of compensation.
You can track your shipment on our website here.
If you want to track the website of the transportation company BRT, click here and enter the shipment number that you will see on the label.
The transit depends on the contracted service; let us remind you of what we currently offer:
- BRT Express Nazionale: estimated 24 working hours.
- BRT DPD Internazionale: between 4 and 6 estimated working days.
- BRT Euroexpress Internazionale: 6 estimated working days.
Estimated transit does not include the 48 - 96 hour increment to/from islands, Calabria or remote areas, etc.
On certain occasions, due to logistical, operational and climatological reasons, as well as others unrelated to Packlink PRO, it isn’t possible to collect or deliver on the estimated day.
- It’s the user’s responsibility to track the shipment and provide Packlink PRO with a solution within a maximum of 5 working days from the beginning of the first incident.
- If no one is home, the transportation company will try to leave an attempted delivery note at the recipient’s address whenever possible. Alternatively, the shipment may be dropped off at a specific location.
- The return to place of origin isn’t included in any of the services, whatever the reason for the return may be (absence, incorrect address, rejection, etc.).
- The times are estimated except for the services with guaranteed delivery, so the user will not have the right to a shipment refund in case of a delay arising from the transport.
Proof of delivery
- Digital proof of delivery at no extra cost. This document can only be requested by the payer of the service.
- Provided that it’s not a certified delivery, a third party, who is not necessarily the recipient of the shipment, may receive it. In case the recipient is not at home, the shipment can be delivered to a neighbour.
Standard protection
All services include the coverage stated in the Terms and Conditions of the service.
Extra protection
It’s possible to contract extra protection for a maximum value of €5,000.
In any case, the coverage will be effective for all contracted services provided that the transported goods are not among those in the List of Prohibited and non-compensation items, nor does it apply to damage caused by insufficient packaging, in which case, at the time of contracting, the user accepts that they are transported without any extra protection coverage.
If the package is handed over to the carrier without the shipping label, neither Packlink nor the carrier will be liable in the event of return, loss or crossed merchandise, and will be excluded from any financial compensation.
- View the Prohibited and non-compensation items.
- View the BRT conditions.
- The transport of irregular packages is not allowed. Only regular parallelepiped, cylindrical or trapezoidal-shaped packages that comply with the Packing Instructions may be shipped.
- Bear in mind that the service has been contracted with Packlink PRO, so the transportation company will more than likely be unable to attend to you directly, but if you wish to contact BRT, you can do so here.
- We are happy to help you via the Help and support section of your PRO account, from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 20:00 and on Saturday from 09:00 to 18:00, excluding holidays. You can also click Contact us now at the end of this page.